Developmental Partners
Development Partners till 2023
CARE Nepal – It has started partnership from June 2023 in Surkhet district for the Girls Education Empowerment program
Didibahini Samaj Victoria: Since 2015 we have continued collaboration for the Emergency safe house support for the victims of sexual violence. Aawaaj has also got small support from social development ministry, Birendranagar municipality, ministry of women, children and social welfare from 2016 onwards. This is part of the collaboration with local, province and federal government
ECPAT Luxembourg – Elimination of Early child marriage intervention in Lumbini and Karnali Province, Dailekh and Bardiya – 2017 onwards
FASTENAKTION – At present since 2022 we are doing campaign called (CACMA) Combating against child marriage in Karnali province where more than 105 local NGOs are actively engaged. Before we worked in Kalikot district to access health, livelihood and education in at rural area- 2014 to 2021
Girls first fund (GFF) – It has been addressed for the preventing and responding early child marriage in ward number 2 of Birendranangar municipality, Surkhet , Karnali province since 2019 Onwards
KFB Austryia: Empowering women and girls via economic and social capitalization in ward number 1 of Birendranangar municipality, Surkhet Dec 2022 Onwards
TDH Germany : Facilitation of protecting mechanism and Empowering women and children especially girls to secure their rights and access services, access to justice for children and women in Panchapuri Municipality, Surkhet , Karnali province since 2016 onward
UNICEF: Since 2023 we are addressing Child Marriage Program in 5 districts ( Jumla, Kalikot Jajarkot, Surkhet, Dailekh, and Dolpa )of Karnali province. From 2019 to 2022 it was significant support for strengthening child helpline (1098 ) and strengthening child protection and gender based violence service response in Surkhet, Karnali Province. Due to earthquake in Jajarkot on Nov 2023 we have been established 10 child friendly spaces for children to reduce the anxiety and fear and facilitate extra-curricular activities for children.
NCRC: Since 2010 we are running 24 hours child helpline service with support of national child rights council which the government body under ministry of women and children social welfare.
Brief Summary of Development partners and their valuable contributions for successful implementation of Aawaaj’s program in the past
1. Asia Foundation (2005–2009 With support of Asia foundation following are the major achievements
- Vocational Skills training for -500 young women and girls benefited who are affected from conflict, exploitation, trafficking and victims of domestic and sexual violence.
- Training on Life skills, business entrepreneurship, gender based violence
- 80% Job placement in local area and earn 3000 per month by trainees.
- Working with private sectors and their significant support to provide job.
- Change the gender role: Different trainings provided to the participants as well as their family, co-workers, employers and trainees on the gender issues helped to break the concept of gender based role and stereotypical jobs and helped the trainees with safety and amiable working environment as well as the respect to the job that they are carrying out.
2. Action Aid ( 2005 – 2007 )
The major achievement of the Action Aid supported program are as follows:
- Community awareness, community mobilization against domestic violence in Surkhet district,
- Training on violence against women, safety support mechanism in 5 VDCs of Surkhet district
3. Bice international has long history of relationship with Aawaaj since 2000.
We started our work in a situation where the issues related to violence against children and women were some of the least explored phenomenon. It affects the whole society and cost of violence on nation was quite high. Today because of Aawaaj and Bice international’s partnership; we have been able to establish community support mechanism against violence of children and women where as the situations earlier were absolutely different as almost everyone lived in silence. Also the founder president is a member of bice since last 3 years to build network within Bice and outside of Bice. At present the works of Aawaaj has been appreciated by everyone and recognized and this credit goes to Bice for supporting to initiate this good work right from the beginning. The resilience approach while working with children and Bice is providing crucial support on breaking the silence on sexual abuse and exploitation through social Mobilization against gender based violence and child protection issues. Bice also support Education to poorest of the poor children, Conflict Mitigation and Peace Building Management Counseling, Care and Support (psychosocial, legal, medical, and economic support) Social Integration to women/children that faced violence. Following are the major achievements under the BICE partnership.
- Community mobilization against violence of children and women in Surkhet, Dailkeh and Bardiya and established support mechanism against violence in 20 VDCs + municipality.
- Training on community support mechanism in 15 VDCs about violence and safety measures, counselling, community mediation, legal procedures against violence of women and children and increased reporting of victims.
- Access minimum standard services to survivors, more than 5000 women and children got counseling service, about 100 victims had gone through legal and medical support per year, about 100 victims got economic support and economically self-sustained.
- Education support for those children who never had chance to go school due to poverty and more than 2000 children are benefited over the period .
- Temporary Crisis Support service: About 100 women and children per year benefited from temporary Crisis support. This is a temporary center which allows the women and children affected by severe degree of violence, who don’t have money for food and accommodation, money to travel frequently for legal process from their home and who do not want to return home immediately due to fear of getting abused.
- Running child friendly spaces (CFS) in three districts. There are 9 CFS centers where about 200 children from marginalized group are benefited. The CFS encourages interactive learning and place to play, psychosocial support, and allow expressing children’s feelings and day to provide tuition centers for 2 hrs whose parents are not literate. It gives the children the sense of safety, gives them a sense of belongingness after having been displaced. It builds cohesion and a sense of community and do learning activities in friendly way.
- School Support: Under post conflict situation in Dailekh, Brdiya and Surkhet schools have been supported for basic infrastructure as mostly affected from IDP and conflict and meet essential materials for children and teacher. In 15 schools of those district children protection committee has been established.
Parenting research: The Action Research has started from August 2011 and continued till 2013 July with 20 mothers who had faced various forms of violence. Through collaboration between BICE , EXIL and Aawaaj; it allows to bridge the gap between theory, research and practices. It allows to return the results of the work back to the community, in an accessible way, avoiding overly technical language that could silence the reality of the stakeholders again and impede social utility. In practice the action research is implemented by a cross cultural team of researchers and practitioners: the external researchers (IFIV) who are experienced in implementing the model of evaluation and intervention, the Nepali research team (selected University in Nepal) who has capacity to analyze data, and the Nepali practitioners team (Aawaaj NGO) who are experienced in facilitating community intervention. The model allows a classification of the basic parenting skills which focuses on 1) Attachment 2) Empathy 3) Parenting education models 4) Ability to participate in social networks and community resources. It strongly relies on the belief that the child who received care, protection and education from parents and/or caregivers, will be able, as a husband/wife, parents and member of the society, to build strong and healthy relationships based on models of good treatment towards themselves and the others. Therefore the interventions with mothers groups use participatory and experiential methodology to work on parenting capabilities. Moreover, the model, which implies that practitioners as persons should create a caring relationship with the patients based on good treatment, gives a particular importance to their need to be supported in their practice and to build for themselves a caring environment.
4. Canadian Corporation Office (CCO) (2006–2008 )
With support of CCO in Surkhet and Dailekh following are the major achievements
- Establish community support mechanism against violence in 10 VDCs ,
- 60 women got vocational training, business entrepreneurship and life skills.
- 107 Women who are very vulnerable, their husband were died due to conflict and extremely poor received seed money from Aawaaj. Those seed money were provided based on recommendation from community groups, and staff verify it whether they are vulnerable or not.
- Exposure visit to CSM group to learn more about IG activities
- Peace building and conflict transformation activities
- Total 407 children affected from conflict of Surkhet and Dailekh got scholarship support
5. Equal Access (2008 – 2010)
Supported Radio Campaign on HIV and Violence against women in Surkhet district.
6. Give 2 Asia( 2010 – 2012 )
Supported to improve livelihood through access micro credit opportunities and increase income of 100 marginalized women and girls who had various forms of gender based violence and improve the social and economic development of the poor women and girls in Surkhet, Dailkeh and Bardiya through vocational training
7. International Rescue Committee ( IRC) (2007–2008)
- Community mobilization and sensitization, and finding issues of children under conflict to reintegrate
- support children for education or livelihood
- Interim care activities for Children affected from conflict before reintegration.
- Reunification and Reintegration of Children. Before reintegration, Aawaaj has identified fostering mothers and trained on fostering Care and support to be prepared and discussed matters with single women who are affected from conflict.
- More than 130 children were reintegrated at their own home or community.
8. Karuna Shechen – Facilitate for the reproductive health issues especially for the prevention of pelvic organ prolapsed at Bardiya and Surkhet -2 Village council ( Lagan and Betan ) in Karnali and Lumbini Province 2014 -2018
9. OXFAM – ( 2006 to 2010) Aawaaj achievement in partnership with Oxfam are:
Radio “We Can” Campaign against violence of women once a week from Midwestern Regional Transmission of Radio Nepal and access in 20 districts and more than 316 listener’s clubs and more than 5000 become change makers against violence in mid and far western region.
10. WINROCK ( 2009 – 2010 ) Has supported Aawaaj with vocational skill training,its achievements are as follows:
Vocational Skills training for -100 young women benefited who are affected from conflict in Surkhet district.
11. World Education ( 2001 – 2003 ) In support of World Education Aawaaj had achieved major achievements, which are:
- Non formal education for adolescent girls in 30 villages
- More than 750 girls had gone through access to non formal education and out of 750, 400 girls joint in formal school and has been continued in school
- 100 girls who completed NFE had gone through vocational training and got job or self employed at local level.
Despite these international partnership district develo0pment committee, municipality, women and child development office, district child welfare board, local Governance project is providing crucial support to Aawaaj through prevention and access services, capacity building of community people, public-private partnership and monitoring and supervision are some of the key areas which are supported by Aawaaj.
The Partnership has provided valuable technical assistance in areas of advocacy, communication, social mobilization, human resource development, actively involved in several research , enhancing the services to survivors for children and women and Advocacy, Communication , Social Mobilization activities. Capacity building trainings, orientations, community awareness and vocational trainings.