Child Participation
Child Participation is key pillar of Aawaaj program. It has found that the participation of children and its mobilization to address the issues at grass root level has taken positively by all stakeholders. Children are speaking up and demanding to get services from local government and NGOs.
Their self-confidence and strength has also increased due to group solidarity. The children indicated that when they came in the training they have a chance to share their issues. This also helped them in solving their problems through sharing and discussions. “They demonstrated their capacity with strong resilient and can manage their lives. They can identify the issues and refer the children to different organizations to receive the services. The children stated that they have to listen to the children, and also to meet children’s need as per condition. It was repeatedly mentioned by all children ” now we move ahead and develop confidence ourselves and to look after other children and secure their future”. Those people who were against them now support and pay a good respect. In the beginning, the children did not talk with each other but now they have started to trust each other and create a positive environment for building their strength. They developed confidence, self-respect, and learned to solve their problems by themselves. As they were worried about themselves, they mentioned that children have to be loved and cared which has helped in making their life comfortable.