Learning opportunities with SOAR (Strengthening Opportunities for Adolescent Resilience)
Provide new learning opportunities to formerly out-of-school adolescent girls through an accelerated learning approach, SOAR (Strengthening Opportunities for Adolescent Resilience), the “Project has started since June 2023. Aawaaj Surkhet, is implementing the Girls Empowerment Project in four Palikas (Gurbakot, Bheriganga, Panchpuri, and Chaukune) of Surkhet. This project is supported by CARE Nepal and operating within the broader SOAR (Strengthening Opportunities for Adolescent Resilience) framework, stands as a beacon for fostering positive change in the education sector. By engaging with local government, schools, and the community, the project aims to create an environment where adolescent girls have equal access to quality education, thereby unlocking their full potential and contributing to the overall development of the Surkhet district. The objectives of this project include improving access and retention in education for adolescent girls from marginalized communities in Karnali and supporting provincial and local government to scale up accelerated learning (AL).
Under this project, the overall responsibility of Aawaaj includes the establishment of the UDAAN centers, identifying the out of school girls (schools aged), identifying and engaging the facilitators in delivering the UDAAN curriculum, coordinating with education unit within the local government, organizing the monthly meetings of the parents, delivering the life skills sessions to the out of school adolescent girls, establishing the GHM at schools and its functionalization, conducting the dialogues with the school management committee, parents teachers association including the teachers, organizing Masters Training of Trainers (MToT) program for Community Learning Centre (CLC) facilitators and model parent, conducting SAA sessions with parents of marginalized girls, Implement Community Scorecard in relation to the key performance indicators identified by the local government, develop a municipal level GBV referral and response map and organize an annual dialogue between representatives from security units , judicial committee , health facility, elected representatives, representatives.