Story 7: Child marriage was stopped by the initiative of Jana Chetna Bal Group
Man Bahadur Nepali, who lives in Surkhet District Panchapuri Municipality Ward No. 9 Upper Biju, has a family of seven including three daughters, two sons, and his wife. Maan Bahadur’s livelihood is dependent on agriculture and his involvement in community projects.
The 14-year-old youngest daughter of Man Bahadur Nepali, currently studying in class 8, left home last month to visit the bazaar in Babiachaur. However, she didn’t return home in the evening. As she didn’t return home, the family started searching for her. Later, the news came that she had eloped with 18-year-old Gangaram Nepali, the son of Jayalal Nepali living in Panchapuri Municipality, ward no.7. The day after the escape, it was reported that they had fled to the boy’s house at the place called Ghanbot. The children of Jana Chetna Children’s Group worked to gain information about the said escape talking with different involved parties. It was later learned that the girl had been talking to the boy on the phone for 2 years. Later, the children of Jan Chetna Children’s Group informed the girl’s father and mother about the information they received and requested them to call their daughter. The children of the group tried to inquire with the boy who eloped with the girl when they found his mobile number. The boy replied that he had brought her home after the marriage. Knowing the severity of the situation, the group children informed the police station of Bidyapur and the police station of Chapre including all the details.
The police from the Chapre police station took swift action and took both girl and boy in custody and handed them over to the Vidyapur police station for further processing. Later, the children’s group, parents of both sides and women groups sat at the police station and informed both sides about the problem of child marriage and legal provisions. After the ward president, police, and members of the network reminded the girl, boy, and both of the parents of everything, the parents reached an understanding that they would now take care of the children and would allow them to get married when they reached the age of 20.
In this way, the children’s group has always been keen on any news related to child marriage in the community, listening, collecting information, and taking action towards stopping such activities.