Prevention and management of Pelvic organ prolapsed
Aawaaj has been worked in partnership with Karuna – Shechen, USA for the implementation of the Pelvic organ prolapse program through awareness raising program since 2014 and has been continued till 2017 in 2 VDCs of Surkhet and 3 VDC in Bardiya district, Nepal.
The main Purpose of this program is early prevention and management of Pelvic organ prolapsed in selected VDCs in Surkhet and Bardiya district.
- Reporting of prolapsed uterus cases has increased in health center
- 70% of women had gone through health check up for uterus prolapsed and seek treatment
- Women has come out to share their reproductive health issues , uterus problems, as well as STI problem and visit health post, primary health care , hospital for health check up
- Improved linkages and coordination of community people with line agency especially health sector and improve the service in health especially to manage uterus prolapsed problems
- Local health institutions are sensitive for health services especially, prolapsed uterus problem.
The major focused activities are;
- Mass awareness with women, adolescent girls, youth, husbands, in laws, FCHV, TBA, women leaders in 3 VDC of Bardiya and 2 VDC of Surkhet
- Interaction with community people, women groups, FCHV, awareness to conduct for essential health checkup and reproductive health specially STI and uterus prolapsed.
- Rallies/Campaign Events, 16 Days activism day Against Violence, International Women’s Day, TEEJ Festival focused on uterus prolapsed prevention
- Street drama performance in each VDC (3 VDC of Bardiya+2 VDC of Surkhet) focused on uterus prolapsed prevention
- All the existing group mobilization at VDC level and mainstreaming uterus prolapsed prevention and respond
- Interaction, discussion and orientation with health post management and monitoring committee and staffs
- Nutrition fair ( Mela ) organized for antenatal, lactating mother
- Interaction with pregnant ,delivery women, their family , husband and new married couple
- Facilitated Uterus prolapsed screening camp per year and transfer basic skills to put ring pessary and cleaning to women leaders, FCHV, TBA
- Interaction with health post, PHC, DHO, hospital duty bearers to access quality services for the women who suffered from prolapsed uterus problems